Is it Hebrew or Yiddish? Is it Yiddish or Jewish?
They have no answers and they do not speak Hebrew.
Many non-Jewish people in the world today never seem to ask the question of what language the so-called Jews are really speaking. Overwhelmingly it is assumed that they are speaking the ancient language of Hebrew. This could not be further from the truth.
The Khazarian (Turkic) people that call themselves Jews actually speak Yiddish. In fact the word Yiddish means Jewish which comes from the word Yid which means Jew. So Yiddish is not to be confused with Hebrew. In fact the Khazarian a.k.a. Jewish/ Yiddish language originated in the Ashkenazi culture that developed around the 10th century.
The language emerged right out of Rhineland Germany and then spread to Central and Eastern Europe and eventually to other countries. It developed by taking different dialects such as German, Slavic, Aramaic, Romance languages and of course Hebrew. In short it is a Germanic language with Hebrew influence.
Around the 10th century during this period, the Masoretes of Tiberias established the Hebrew language orthography, or niqqud, a system of diacritical vowel points used in the Hebrew alphabet. They also use a system called Cantillation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Cantillation means to chant. This would allow them to change or modify paragraphs and verse divisions that could not be understood easily.
Having to so-call modify the pronunciation, paragraph and verse divisions and Cantillation of the Hebrew Scriptures with a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides is a clear sign that the Jews were not true Israelites. They could not understand the Hebrew scriptures in it's original form. The true Israelites were never told to use a system called Cantillation or chant anything from the Hebrew Scriptures. The true Israelites never needed vowel points to speak are write the language of Hebrew. Only an outsider would need this to understand how to speak and pronouns the words properly.
Yiddish is the primary spoken language of the Khazarian (Turkic) Ashkenazi Jews. It is written in a loose version of the Hebrew alphabet or just it's very own version all together. It appears the Jews did away with the Hebrew letters and formed their own letters but tried to keep the sounds intact. This would prove to be mission impossible to say the least. Notice the huge difference in the Modern Hebrew alphabet the Jews write and the ancient Paleo Hebrew alphabet below it.
Also notice the Hebrew Alphabet below
above picture shows the Modern Hebrew at the top, the Ancient Paleo
Hebrew in the middle and the Ancient Hebrew at the bottom.
A People and their Language
we know that Ashkenazi culture took root in and around the 10th century
in Central Europe. It was centered on what we know is now Germany.
Ashkenazi also included Northern France. It also bordered on the area
inhabited by other convert European so-called Israelites that called
themselves Sephardim, which means Spanish Jews.
The Sephardi or Sephardim Jews or Yids consist of Jews of Spain, Portugal, Balkans, and the Middle East and their descendants.
Although the Ashkenazi (German Jew) community would have come encountered with a host of many dialects from which the standard German language would emerge centuries later. They would have soon been speaking their own version of German dialects, mixed with elements that they brought into the country.
In the early part of the 20th century after the Socialist Russian Revolution of October, Yiddish was emerging as a major Eastern European Language. It also contended with the so-called Modern Hebrew but Yiddish would yet change significantly during this 20th century.
Michael Wex had this to say in his writings, "As increasing numbers of Yiddish speakers moved from the Slavic-speaking East to Western Europe and the Americas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, they were so quick to jettison Slavic vocabulary that the most prominent Yiddish writers of the time-the founders of modern Yiddish literature, who were still living in Slavic-speaking countries--revised the printed editions of their oeuvres to eliminate obsolete and unnecessary' Slavisms."
So Michael Wex says that these were founders of Yiddish or Jewish literature revising books and writings and removing the overly Slavic slang. I wonder why?
Yiddish seems to only be a hybrid of Hebrew sounds and heavy medieval German/Slavic dialects. Yiddish takes three-quarters of its vocabulary from German, but borrows words liberally from their version of Hebrew and many other languages from the many lands where Ashkenazi Jewish speaking people have lived. It really has a grammatical structure all of its own and its writings are based on a made up alphabet loosely based on the Hebrew characters of the Alphabet.
The Sephardi or Sephardim Jews or Yids never spoke Yiddish nor was it a part of their culture. Following the pattern of the Ashkenazi Jews they had their own language that was known as Ladino or Judesmo. This was no more than a Hybrid of medieval Spanish and Hebrew in much the same way that Yiddish used the German and so-called Hebrew language.
It is very clear that the scattered tribes of true Israel had some influence on all primitive and ancient languages along with that of the Yiddish people of Khazaria. this is only more proof that the scattering of Israel help move the Europeans out of the dark ages.
The Sephardi or Sephardim Jews or Yids consist of Jews of Spain, Portugal, Balkans, and the Middle East and their descendants.
Although the Ashkenazi (German Jew) community would have come encountered with a host of many dialects from which the standard German language would emerge centuries later. They would have soon been speaking their own version of German dialects, mixed with elements that they brought into the country.
In the early part of the 20th century after the Socialist Russian Revolution of October, Yiddish was emerging as a major Eastern European Language. It also contended with the so-called Modern Hebrew but Yiddish would yet change significantly during this 20th century.
Michael Wex had this to say in his writings, "As increasing numbers of Yiddish speakers moved from the Slavic-speaking East to Western Europe and the Americas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, they were so quick to jettison Slavic vocabulary that the most prominent Yiddish writers of the time-the founders of modern Yiddish literature, who were still living in Slavic-speaking countries--revised the printed editions of their oeuvres to eliminate obsolete and unnecessary' Slavisms."
So Michael Wex says that these were founders of Yiddish or Jewish literature revising books and writings and removing the overly Slavic slang. I wonder why?
Yiddish seems to only be a hybrid of Hebrew sounds and heavy medieval German/Slavic dialects. Yiddish takes three-quarters of its vocabulary from German, but borrows words liberally from their version of Hebrew and many other languages from the many lands where Ashkenazi Jewish speaking people have lived. It really has a grammatical structure all of its own and its writings are based on a made up alphabet loosely based on the Hebrew characters of the Alphabet.
The Sephardi or Sephardim Jews or Yids never spoke Yiddish nor was it a part of their culture. Following the pattern of the Ashkenazi Jews they had their own language that was known as Ladino or Judesmo. This was no more than a Hybrid of medieval Spanish and Hebrew in much the same way that Yiddish used the German and so-called Hebrew language.
It is very clear that the scattered tribes of true Israel had some influence on all primitive and ancient languages along with that of the Yiddish people of Khazaria. this is only more proof that the scattering of Israel help move the Europeans out of the dark ages.
Why wont pastors tell you this?________________________________________
As more information is brought to the light, one would think that most pastors of today would bring this type of truth out in a mega conference or some type of book or CD audio series. Instead we are left in the dark while these behind the closed doors, apron wearing masonic preachers remain silent on the matter.
Matthew 7:15 "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
In today's world of free shared information we must begin to seek out the answers. We must begin to ask questions and demand answers from these so-called pastors that expect a weekly offering and a bi-weekly tithe. We must hold them accountable to know the truth and have answers to the questions we have.
One might say, "What if they don't have answer or refuse to answer my questions?"
Then it would be time to leave that church and follow the scriptures of the bible. It is clear that these pastors do not know enough to lead the people. They lack revelation of the word of Yah and early history of the true Israelites of the bible.
The doctrine of Christianity along with all other religions have failed the true Israelites of the bible. It is now time to repent and return to the Most High Yah and seek truth.
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