Here's the official Roman/Catholic Vatican approved position:
"It is an indisputably established historical fact that St. Peter labored in Rome during the last portion of his life, and there ended his earthly course by martyrdom".
"St. Peter's residence and death in Rome are established beyond contention as historical facts by a series of distinct testimonies extending from the end of the first to the end of the second centuries, and issuing from several lands".
Origen says: "Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downwards, as he, himself had desired to suffer", as the place of execution may be accepted with great probability the Neronian Gardens on the Vatican".
Caius says: "Constantine the Great had a magnificent basilica erected over the grave of St. Peter at the foot of the Vatican Hill. This basilica was replaced by the present St. Peter's in the sixteenth century".
If one were to entertain this madness, even for a moment, they would have to believe that the Romans killed Peter's teacher, whom he, and his brethren knew to be a prophet of YAH and messiah. The same man (Peter) suffers Roman lynching at the hands of the same nation that lynched his teacher, but somehow, during all of this he handed over his ministry to a Roman ruler named Clement who becomes the first Pope?
What's more likely, that the Romans killed the Hebrews and replaced them in art and literature, just as they did to the Pharaohs of Egypt, or that the Hebrews just handed it over to them as a reward for killing everyone they had ever known or loved?
While you ponder that one, let's look at what they really are!
The Pope is a Priest-King for the fish deity "Dagon"
This is the King that sits on the throne of "St. Peter's Basilica" in the Vatican City.
The Roman Papacy is the bridge between the Roman feast of Saturn, and the present Wiccan Xmas/Yultide Pagan celebration.
The Catholic Church that retained the Pagan Roman Feast of Sol Invictus aka Saturnalia aka Yuletide aka Yahoshua-Mass.
But wait, it gets worse. This Papal St. Nick has a helper named...
The Catholic Church that retained the Pagan Roman Feast of Sol Invictus aka Saturnalia aka Yuletide aka Yahoshua-Mass.
But wait, it gets worse. This Papal St. Nick has a helper named...
That's right; it appears that the private Roman Catholic joke is that they did not actually receive the right of "Apostolic Succession" from the Black Hebrew Israelite Kipha aka "St. Peter the Apostle".
They actually enslaved him at Rome, and executed him, building their now famous "St. Peter's Basilica" the throne of the Pope upon his bones.
Now, they mock him by dressing him in chains to be dragged around by his successor, the Pope.
St. Nicholas dresses in a flowing white and gold robe with white gloves and a bishop's mitre. Thick white face paint and a long white beard disguise his face.
He travels Europe blessing all of the little white children that have been obedient to their parents.
As you can see, he is more of a religious figure in Europe then he is in America.
That's right; it appears that the private Roman Catholic joke is that they did not actually receive the right of "Apostolic Succession" from the Black Hebrew Israelite Kipha aka "St. Peter the Apostle".
They actually enslaved him at Rome, and executed him, building their now famous "St. Peter's Basilica" the throne of the Pope upon his bones.
Now, they mock him by dressing him in chains to be dragged around by his successor, the Pope.
St. Nicholas dresses in a flowing white and gold robe with white gloves and a bishop's mitre. Thick white face paint and a long white beard disguise his face.
He travels Europe blessing all of the little white children that have been obedient to their parents.
As you can see, he is more of a religious figure in Europe then he is in America.
"He's making a list and checking it twice He's going to find out whose naughty or nice Sinterklaas is coming to town."
So what happens to the little Nordic brats that do not behave well? Black Pete happens to them!!!
Many of you have heard the old folklore, "Santa will put presents into the stockings of good children, and lumps of coal into the stockings of bad children".
What you may not have heard is that these lumps of coal were used to blacken the faces of ill behaved white children so that they could temporarily suffer the curse of Zwarte Piet" (Black Peter) whom they teach their children is a devil shackled for the children's protection.
The children are told that if they have been good, Zwarte Piet will bring them gifts and sweets, but if they have been bad, Piet will scoop them up, stuff them in his huge duffel bag and spirit them away to Spain as punishment.
In Czech and Slovak traditions, Black Peter is a shaggy furred devil with horns, tail, and a long red tongue comes along with Saint Nicholas. He has a staff to threaten punishment. However, he is chained and an angel is there to protect the children.
Black Peter is a frightening devil-like figure found with St. Nicholas in Austria, southern Germany, and some other Eastern European areas.
He is dressed in fur with horns and a long red tongue. He is usually in chains to show he is under the saint's control and would not be able to harm people.
This is the role of the Black Man in the tradition of Xmas. He is the black demon-beast that has been subdued by the white man-Father, Creator whose destiny it is to shackle the black demon and instill fear in white children.
So there it is family, hiding in plain sight!
I bet you never even knew that this was how you are being portrayed to little white children the world over.
This has been going on for hundreds of years, so there are hordes of adult, Europeans and European-Americans that have been doing this every single year of their lives. Why haven't you heard about this Yisrael?
The children are told that if they have been good, Zwarte Piet will bring them gifts and sweets, but if they have been bad, Piet will scoop them up, stuff them in his huge duffel bag and spirit them away to Spain as punishment.
In Czech and Slovak traditions, Black Peter is a shaggy furred devil with horns, tail, and a long red tongue comes along with Saint Nicholas. He has a staff to threaten punishment. However, he is chained and an angel is there to protect the children.
Black Peter is a frightening devil-like figure found with St. Nicholas in Austria, southern Germany, and some other Eastern European areas.
He is dressed in fur with horns and a long red tongue. He is usually in chains to show he is under the saint's control and would not be able to harm people.
This is the role of the Black Man in the tradition of Xmas. He is the black demon-beast that has been subdued by the white man-Father, Creator whose destiny it is to shackle the black demon and instill fear in white children.
So there it is family, hiding in plain sight!
I bet you never even knew that this was how you are being portrayed to little white children the world over.
This has been going on for hundreds of years, so there are hordes of adult, Europeans and European-Americans that have been doing this every single year of their lives. Why haven't you heard about this Yisrael?
Why didn't your white co-workers tell you this? They have been on enough trips to Europe to know what's really going on there. Each and every Caucasian and American has European roots, so they have to know! But you don't ask...
I see it all the time. Caucasians bragging about their trips and vacations, saying "Oh, you should have seen it, it was just the most beautiful place on earth. The sky was so blue; like you've never seen, and you can't imagine how clean the air was. It was just really, really, really, great!"
Then you ask your melanin-challenged pals "so where did you stay?" And they typically reply "Oh, with friends". Well guess what? They didn't stay with friends, they stayed with family.
That's the big secret they don't want to tell their melanin-enriched friends; they are of European descent (DUH). That means that they have family somewhere in Europe, be it a twice removed cousin or a whatever.
Many Caucasians go and attend the Pagan Feast Days of their ancestors.Just as our fathers made pilgrimages back to Jerusalem three times in a year, the nations make pilgrimages for their deities. Ask them.
Stop guessing about what your buddies and co-workers do. Press them for that information, you will get a serious education on it if they open up.
Xmas is a ritual laden with Pagan witchcraft that has passed from global empire to global empire throughout the ages, but make no mistake family...
So now you know family, spread the news, each one teaches one, maybe we can reach some!
Why didn't your white co-workers tell you this? They have been on enough trips to Europe to know what's really going on there. Each and every Caucasian and American has European roots, so they have to know! But you don't ask...
I see it all the time. Caucasians bragging about their trips and vacations, saying "Oh, you should have seen it, it was just the most beautiful place on earth. The sky was so blue; like you've never seen, and you can't imagine how clean the air was. It was just really, really, really, great!"
Then you ask your melanin-challenged pals "so where did you stay?" And they typically reply "Oh, with friends". Well guess what? They didn't stay with friends, they stayed with family.
That's the big secret they don't want to tell their melanin-enriched friends; they are of European descent (DUH). That means that they have family somewhere in Europe, be it a twice removed cousin or a whatever.
Many Caucasians go and attend the Pagan Feast Days of their ancestors.Just as our fathers made pilgrimages back to Jerusalem three times in a year, the nations make pilgrimages for their deities. Ask them.
Stop guessing about what your buddies and co-workers do. Press them for that information, you will get a serious education on it if they open up.
Xmas is a ritual laden with Pagan witchcraft that has passed from global empire to global empire throughout the ages, but make no mistake family...
So now you know family, spread the news, each one teaches one, maybe we can reach some!
Jeremiah 10 1 Hear what Yah says to you, people of Israel. 2 This is what the Master says: “Do not learn the ways of the heathen or be terrified by signs in the heavens,
though the nations are terrified by them.
Jeremiah 10 1 Hear what Yah says to you, people of Israel. 2 This is what the Master says: “Do not learn the ways of the heathen or be terrified by signs in the heavens,
though the nations are terrified by them.
____________________________________________________________________________________________5 Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried
because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.” 6 No one is mighty like you, Yah; you are great, and your name is mighty in power. 7 Who should not fear you, King of the nations? This is your due. Among all the wise leaders of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is no one like you. 8 They are all senseless and foolish; they are taught by worthless wooden idols.
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