Scholars and "bible experts" say the name Jew was only applied to the tribe of Judah (Yahudah in the Hebrew). So, Moses could not have been a Jew because he was from the tribe of Levi making him a Levite (NUM 26:59). Those that were from the tribe of Yahudah, were known as Yahudites in Hebrew or Judahites in English, not Jews, and Yahudites only made up 1/12th of the nation of Israel.
The word/name "JEW" is not a Hebrew word, it's English. There is no letter "J" or "J" equivalent in the Hebrew language. As a matter of fact, the letter "J" is one of the last letters to be added to the English alphabet. It was created in the 1600's in France, so there was not a letter "J" in existence during biblical times. In English, Jew means, those who practice a religion called Judaism. Since the ancient Hebrews didn't practice a religion called Judaism, the name Jew could not refer to the biblical children of Israel or their modern day descendants.
The word "ISRAELI" is not mentioned in scripture. Israeli only refers to a citizen or resident living in the modern "STATE" of Israel. Israeli does not mean a descendant of Jacob, (Yaaqob in Hebrew) who's name was changed to Israel (Genesis 32:28). An Israeli and an Israelite are two different things.
Neither can the word "SEMITE" be found in the bible. The biblical Israelites were Hebrews descendants from Shem, (Noah's son) through Abraham and through his son Isaac and through Isaac's son Jacob (Yaaqob / Israel). Israel had 12 sons who were all Hebrews (Deuteronomy 29:13). Neither Noah, Abraham, Isaac nor Jacob gave birth to a son named Seme or Sem. This means that the Semites could not be descendants of Abraham, Isaac, or Israel. So, it follows that they could not be Israelites, according to scripture.
There was never a tribe among the children of Israel called Sem or Semite. There were only twelve tribes of Israel:
All twelve tribes were Hebrew Israelites, Hebrews because they were descendants of Abraham and Isaac, and Israelites because they also descended from Jacob who's name was change to Israel (Genesis 32:28).
The Hebrews could be called Children of Shem to designate that they are descendants from Noah's son Shem, but not Semite, that's not a proper term in reference to the Israelites.
Semite is of relative recent origin. It comes from the 18th century (along with the word Jew). One of its uses was to designate those who spoke a certain language, such as Syrian, Hebrew, and Arabic. The name was given an extra meaning later, to include all those people who were "SUPPOSED" to be descendants of Noah's son Shem (not Sem). Over the years, Semite has come to mean Jew and Jew only. So, in modern day terminology Semite is synonymous with Jew or Jews.
If the Jews are Semites, which they claim to be, this means they are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, which means they are not Israelites. Semite is a word made up by deceived men with little understanding of The Bible and should never be used in reference to the biblical Hebrew Israelites. It will only cause further confusion, to an already confused world, and since YAH never refers to Israel as: JEWS, ISRAELI'S OR SEMITES, we shouldn't either.
__________________________________WHY WE USE HEBREW ISRAELITE?
word Hebrew is an English word translated from the word Ibryi. Hebrew
is the English equivalent to the word Ibryi. In the Tanakh, (Old
Testament) when Ibriy is mentioned, it's in reference to those who are
descendants of Abraham and Isaac. Whenever Hebrew is mentioned in the
English translations, it's also in reference to those who are
descendants of Abraham and Isaac. Both words carry the same meaning, but
are spelled differently because of the different languages they are
spoken in.
Hebrews in the United States are an English speaking people. The mass majority of us grew up speaking English, it's our first language. Our first contact with scripture was with the English translation. So, since we are an English speaking people, we use the English words Hebrew and Israelite, which means the same as Ibryi and Ysrayl.
Many Hebrew Israelites have an understanding of the Hebrew language, and when those who know the language are among each other they use Hebrew. But, when the objective is to reach an English speaking people who are not familiar with the Hebrew language, why attempt to speak to them in a language they won't understand? English speaking people who are familiar with the bible know of the words Hebrew and Israelites, many of them don't know about Ibriy or Ysrayl.
Since many Israelites are searching for truth, we endeavor to learn the language of our forefathers
. The suffix "ITE" in the name Israelite was added later. Its use in the English translations was to identify descendants of a certain person, tribe or nation, such as the Hittites, Canaanite, Edomites etc. In the English translations, whenever Israelite(s) or Israel is mentioned it's in reference to those who were descendants of Jacob, (Yaaqob) whose name was changed to Israel, (Ysrayl) which was also the name of the Hebrews land.
In the Tanakh (old testament), whenever Ysrayl is mentioned, it's in reference to those who are descendants of Jacob, or their land. So both words carry the same meaning, but they are spelled differently because of the different languages. This is called translation, where a word is given an equivalent meaning in another language. The spelling and pronunciation of the word changes, but not it's meaning.
For instance, the ancient Egyptians didn't call their land Egypt, they called it Kemet /Khemet / KMT. The Hebrews called it Mizraim and Pathros, the Greeks called it Aegyptios, and in English it's called Egypt. All These names refer to the same African country, which means they all have the same meaning but are spelled and pronounced according to the language they are spoken in. This is the same with Hebrew and Israelite. Both are spoken and spelled differently than Ibriy and Ysrayl but they carry the same meaning.
If we were a German speaking people, we would say Ibriy or Ysrayl (Hebrew Israelites) according to it's translations in German, If we spoke any other language we would say Ibriy and Yisrael according to the translations in that language. The scripture tells us that Israel was to be scattered among all nations, among all people, so I'm sure they didn't continue to speak in their native tongue.
Yah has scattered his people among all nations and he speaks to them according to each nation's language. This is why the scriptures are translated into just about every language on Earth. Hebrew and Israelite don't run concurrently in scripture. But we are not corrupting those words by using them concurrently. The ancient nation of Israel descended from Abraham (a Hebrew) thus, we use Hebrew (which is the English equivalent of Ibriy )to denote a descent from Abraham and Isaac. Israel is also a descendant of Jacob (a Hebrew) who's name was changed to Israel / Ysrayl, (Genesis 32:28) thus we use Israelite, which is one of the English equivalents of Ysrayl to denote a descent from Jacob.
As stated earlier, Jew, Israeli, and Semite are not used in scripture. Israel was not given a religion called Judaism.
Let me make my point clear about these words also.
First, the word Jew is supposed to be the English translation of the word Yahudah and Yahudi. But it's not. In scripture, Yahudi refers to those of the tribe of Yahudah or from the domain of Yahudah. The name Yahudah took on another meaning after the splitting of the Israelite Kingdom into two halves, a northern half and a Southern Half. Those in the south were called Yahudah (named after the tribe of Yahudah) and the northern tribes kept the name Israel.
If the name Jew is a translation of Yahudah or Yahudi, it should still have the same meaning. But it doesn't, Jew does not refer to those of the tribe of Yahudah or those living in Yahudah (which after 70 C.E. didn't exist as a country). Jew, means those who practice a religion called Judaism, and in it's most corrupt form it somehow takes on the same meaning as Hebrew, and thus making all tribes of Israel Jewish. This is at it's least, incorrect because Jew is not a translation of the word Hebrew or Israel. A more proper English translation of Yahudah, Yahudi, would be Judah and Judahites or Judean. In English these words carry the same meaning as Yahudah, Yahudi.
________________________________________________________________________________________________Hebrews in the United States are an English speaking people. The mass majority of us grew up speaking English, it's our first language. Our first contact with scripture was with the English translation. So, since we are an English speaking people, we use the English words Hebrew and Israelite, which means the same as Ibryi and Ysrayl.
Many Hebrew Israelites have an understanding of the Hebrew language, and when those who know the language are among each other they use Hebrew. But, when the objective is to reach an English speaking people who are not familiar with the Hebrew language, why attempt to speak to them in a language they won't understand? English speaking people who are familiar with the bible know of the words Hebrew and Israelites, many of them don't know about Ibriy or Ysrayl.
Since many Israelites are searching for truth, we endeavor to learn the language of our forefathers
. The suffix "ITE" in the name Israelite was added later. Its use in the English translations was to identify descendants of a certain person, tribe or nation, such as the Hittites, Canaanite, Edomites etc. In the English translations, whenever Israelite(s) or Israel is mentioned it's in reference to those who were descendants of Jacob, (Yaaqob) whose name was changed to Israel, (Ysrayl) which was also the name of the Hebrews land.
In the Tanakh (old testament), whenever Ysrayl is mentioned, it's in reference to those who are descendants of Jacob, or their land. So both words carry the same meaning, but they are spelled differently because of the different languages. This is called translation, where a word is given an equivalent meaning in another language. The spelling and pronunciation of the word changes, but not it's meaning.
For instance, the ancient Egyptians didn't call their land Egypt, they called it Kemet /Khemet / KMT. The Hebrews called it Mizraim and Pathros, the Greeks called it Aegyptios, and in English it's called Egypt. All These names refer to the same African country, which means they all have the same meaning but are spelled and pronounced according to the language they are spoken in. This is the same with Hebrew and Israelite. Both are spoken and spelled differently than Ibriy and Ysrayl but they carry the same meaning.
If we were a German speaking people, we would say Ibriy or Ysrayl (Hebrew Israelites) according to it's translations in German, If we spoke any other language we would say Ibriy and Yisrael according to the translations in that language. The scripture tells us that Israel was to be scattered among all nations, among all people, so I'm sure they didn't continue to speak in their native tongue.
Yah has scattered his people among all nations and he speaks to them according to each nation's language. This is why the scriptures are translated into just about every language on Earth. Hebrew and Israelite don't run concurrently in scripture. But we are not corrupting those words by using them concurrently. The ancient nation of Israel descended from Abraham (a Hebrew) thus, we use Hebrew (which is the English equivalent of Ibriy )to denote a descent from Abraham and Isaac. Israel is also a descendant of Jacob (a Hebrew) who's name was changed to Israel / Ysrayl, (Genesis 32:28) thus we use Israelite, which is one of the English equivalents of Ysrayl to denote a descent from Jacob.
As stated earlier, Jew, Israeli, and Semite are not used in scripture. Israel was not given a religion called Judaism.
Let me make my point clear about these words also.
First, the word Jew is supposed to be the English translation of the word Yahudah and Yahudi. But it's not. In scripture, Yahudi refers to those of the tribe of Yahudah or from the domain of Yahudah. The name Yahudah took on another meaning after the splitting of the Israelite Kingdom into two halves, a northern half and a Southern Half. Those in the south were called Yahudah (named after the tribe of Yahudah) and the northern tribes kept the name Israel.
If the name Jew is a translation of Yahudah or Yahudi, it should still have the same meaning. But it doesn't, Jew does not refer to those of the tribe of Yahudah or those living in Yahudah (which after 70 C.E. didn't exist as a country). Jew, means those who practice a religion called Judaism, and in it's most corrupt form it somehow takes on the same meaning as Hebrew, and thus making all tribes of Israel Jewish. This is at it's least, incorrect because Jew is not a translation of the word Hebrew or Israel. A more proper English translation of Yahudah, Yahudi, would be Judah and Judahites or Judean. In English these words carry the same meaning as Yahudah, Yahudi.
Israeli is not a translation of Ysrayl. Israeli refers to a citizen of the modern state of Israel, it does not mean a descendant of Jacob, as Ysrayl, Israel and Israelite does. HAIBRI (The guy this was directed to) said Israeli is closer to the pronunciation of Ysrayl than Israelite is. Understand this, when a word is translated, the pronunciation of the word will sometimes change drastically from one language to the next, but carries the same meaning nonetheless. So, it matters not that Israeli is closer to the pronunciation of Ysrayl. What matters is the meaning of the two, Israeli means one thing and Ysrayl means another. So the two have no relation to one another.
That's why Israelite and Israel is used as the translation of Ysrayl in the English version not Israeli.
Second, Semite, is supposed to refer to all those who are descendants of Noah's son Shem, not Sem, which is suppose to include a wide range of people from Arabs to Ashkenazi Jews. The word Semite is not even in the English translations of The Bible, and it is SUPPOSED to be the English translations of Shem. The "ITE" added to Sem denotes descent from, so the Semites are descendants of Sem. Who is Sem? I haven't the slightest idea. The name Shem is mentioned in the English translations. It refers to Noah's son but it's never given the suffix "ITE," because the majority of the time when Shem is mentioned, it's referring to the actual person, Noah's son, Shem. To denote descent from him, scripture uses "the sons of Shem" or "the children of Shem" but never Semite or even Shemite.
Third, Judaism, is supposed to be a word that refers to Torah (law /instruction) or worship. In other words Judaism is supposed to refer to the laws and commandments Moses received from the Father and gave to the Israelites. Judaism is a English word, but it's not in the English translations of scripture. That's because Judaism is a religion of the people called Jews. The Father never gave Israel a religion, let alone one called Judaism. He gave Israel laws, statutes, judgments and commandments and he made a covenant with them to obey Him. If they didn't they would suffer the consequences which are the curses found in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. (Which will be discussed farther in the next 2 sections)
Judaism is not what the Israelites agreed to keep. This religion comes in many forms, there's Hasidic Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, Conservative and Reformed Judaism. All forms of Judaism use the Talmud along with the Torah. The Talmud is held in higher authority than The Torah (first five books of the bible) in Orthodox Judaism. Nowhere does scripture instruct us to use the Talmud along with The Law, The Talmud for those who practice Judaism, is like an extension of the law, which we are told not to add or take away from. (Deuteronomy 4:2). Judaism is not in The Bible. It is a man made religion.
These are the facts
1. The word Jew does not originate from the Hebrew words Yahudah or Yahudi. If it doesn't have the same meaning as Yahudah, it couldn't possibly be translated from the same. The meaning of Jew means those who practice Judaism or of the Jewish culture. It does not mean those who are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which would be translated as Hebrew (Ibriy), Israel (Ysrayl) and Israelite.
2. Israeli is not a translation of Ysrayl. An Israeli is a citizen of the modern state of Israel. It doesn't mean a descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Again that would be translated, Hebrew (Ibriy), Israel (Ysrayl) and Israelite (Ysrayl).
3. Semite does not mean a descendant of Shem. Semite means a descendant of Sem, If Sem is a translation of another word, please let me know.
4. Judaism is not what The Father gave to the children of Israel. He gave them laws and commandments which were to instruct them in how to live holy, not a religion which is what Judaism is. I will admit, I am not as learned as I should be or as I will become in the Hebrew language, so if there is a translation found in scripture for Judaism, Semite, Israeli and Jew, please let me know it. This is why we are called Hebrews and Israelites or Hebrew Israelites which refer to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which according to scripture and history we are.
He spoke to us in English, the language we are most familiar with. He used the English translation Hebrew which is the same